Chosen - Though Smaller than a Grain of Sand


Today, we are talking about God choosing us. More specifically, His love for and care of each of us individually.   

But, before we drill down on this topic, we wanted to talk about the role that this concept of choice play in our lives today. We are inundated with choices. In a society like ours, it can be really easy to take choice for granted. 

Freedom of choice has actually become a driving philosophy of our western culture. Consequently, we tend to see it as a basic human right  rather than a gift or a privilege. But, there is clear evidence that the presence of choice in all matters & all times is actually counterproductive. Too many options actually causes a sense of paralysis. When people can’t decide what to choose, they can often be faced with the lingering question..."Did I make the right choice?"

But there is One for whom proficiency of choice is never an issue. The omnipotent, all mighty God of the universe CHOOSES us! 

Despite the microscopic size of who we are in grand scheme of God’s creation, He sees us. He hears our prayers. He knows what is transpiring in every detail of our lives, and he and has counted every hair on our head. This really is beyond comprehension!

As we work to shape and refine of our perspective, it helps to recognize that among the countless aspects and elements of His creation, Our God has intentionally set His gaze upon our flawed, imperfect selves as a loving Father who has called us to Himself.

Why is this important to understand?

  1. We live in a world system that is not designed to recognize the sovereignty and majesty of God.  So, this is NOT going to be something that we naturally gravitate towards if we are consistently inundated by the messages and values of this world.  
  2. 2. God HIMSELF often does not always make it easy to see and follow Him.  So, for those who have tried to shift their gaze from themselves or the world around them to God himself, they have probably encountered moments where it was really hard to see and discern God.

Humanly speaking, we judge relational presence by our senses (by what we see/what we feel/experience, etc.).

However, spiritually speaking, we have to trust relational presence through our faith and NOT by what we see or feel. Interestingly, and this can give us such a sense of hope, Oswald Chambers (when speaking about this very phenomenon) said that when we finally understand this truth, then we’re going to say to ourselves, “Wow! He was there the whole time.”

How are we supposed to respond to the fact that an Omnipotent God chooses to know and love us, especially if I don’t feel His love or see evidence of His goodness in our lives right now?

 We can do so by faith and by embracing scriptural truths.

Scripture reminds us:

  • God knew is even before he laid the foundation of the earth.
  • He knit us together in our mother’s womb.
  • He chose the time in which we would be born.
  • He placed his very breath in our lungs.
  • He numbers our days.
  • He directs our steps.
  • He lays out boundary lines that demarcate our lives.
  • His thoughts toward us outnumber the sands on the shore.
  • He knows our every sorrow and collects our tears.
  • He has a precise plan for each of us.

In conclusion, God's message is this: I have not only made you, but just as I created the grand universe in which you dwell, I made you. I made you with intention, and I CHOOSE YOU!

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